Michel Beine
Highway Motor Hotel
“Everything in Michel Beine’s work—its frontal position and framing, the ordinary object that catches his attention and the contour of the entire country he draws through his cultural signs—evokes and makes reference to Walker Evans, the literary and adventurous photographer who was to establish in mid-20th century photography the paradoxical and yet so precious and prolific concept of “documentary style”. The medium distance, the average emotion, minute details, the intelligence of things lodged more in sensation than sentimentalism, even the intimate odours of old leather or the earth scorched by the sun...”
(extract from the preface)
Text: Emmanuel d’Autreppe
Design: Dojo design
56 pages
15 x 20,5 cm
49 photographs in duotone
Hard cover
ISBN : 978-2-930115-25-2
Price : 22.00 €